Memorandum of Understanding Signed Between University of Jakarta International and Universal University

Today, 12th August 2024, the University of Jakarta International proudly signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Universal University, a private University based in Batam. This agreement marks the beginning of a collaborative effort to enhance our educational practices, focusing on the Tridharma of Higher Education, improving human resource quality, and supporting the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka) program.

Recognizing that UNIJI still have much work ahead to meet our institutional goals, UNIJI believe that this partnership with Universal University will provide essential support in our pursuit of excellence.

The MOU was signed by Prof. Dr. H. Paiman Raharjo, M.Si., M.M., Rector of University of Jakarta International, and Dr. techn. Aswandy, M.T., Rector of Universal University. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Didi Sundiman, S.T., M.M., Dean of Universal University; Dr. Wenny Candra Mandagie, S.E., M.Pd., Founder of University of Jakarta International; and various department representatives from UNIJI.

This collaboration opens doors for UNIJI to thrive in the Tridharma aspects while striving to enhance our human resource quality and effectively implement the MBKM program in our teaching and learning processes.

During the event, Dr. techn. Aswandy shared insights about the education system in Batam and provided an overview of Universal University. Prof. Dr. H. Paiman Raharjo also spoke about the vision for University of Jakarta International and its aspirations for the future. Dr. Wenny Candra Mandagie concluded the speeches by recounting the founding story of UNIJI.

When discussing their hopes for this partnership, both Dr. techn. Aswandy and Dr. Didi Sundiman emphasized the following areas of collaboration:

  1. Faculty exchanges for public lectures and seminars.
  2. Joint research projects and publications.
  3. Co-hosting seminars and conferences.
  4. Collaborative community service initiatives.
  5. Sharing knowledge on various aspects of higher education development.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Universal University and its representatives, Dr. techn. Aswandy, M.T., and Dr. Didi Sundiman, S.T., M.M. We are excited about what this partnership will bring and look forward to growing together.

Thank you, and we’ll keep you updated on our progress!

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