UNIJI Campus Visit with SMAN Ragunan

Greetings Rhinos,

We're excited to share some wonderful news with you.

On Monday, February 26th, 2024, we had the honour of receiving the visit of students and teachers from SMAN Ragunan, South Jakarta, here at the University of Jakarta International. These students are all talented athletes competing at various levels, from provincial to international.

We were delighted to host over 30 students, accompanied by two teachers, Ms. Ninik Haryati, S.Pd., and Ms. Siti Afiyatus Salamah, S.Pd., at our campus. The event commenced with an opening speech by our esteemed Foundation Director, Prof. Sihol Situngkir, followed by a brief introduction to our scholarship program by our marketing team.

Following the initial session, students were introduced to our programs by the respective lecturers. Throughout these presentations, students engaged with lecturers and gained concise information about each faculty, school, and specialization. Additionally, a lively experiment was conducted with the assistance of two students during the introduction to the School of Psychology. Mr. Chandra Susanto, our lecturer, led a brief experiment on mindset and psychology.

During the introduction to our Faculty of IT, led by Mr. Andhika, students gained insights into the pervasive role of technology in various aspects of life, including sports. Ms. Wenny Susanto, our founder, led the introduction to the Faculty of Business, providing students with insights into each specialization and its future prospects.

After the introduction session, SMAN Ragunan students were given the opportunity to explore our brand new campus.

For your information, University of Jakarta International currently provides up to 100% scholarships for students all over Indonesia. If you are interested in being a part of UNIJI Scholarship Receivers, you could also ask for a school recommendation letter from your school principal as UNIJI currently gives a quota of 15 students per school to receive scholarship. Or you could simply click here to get in contact with our counsellors.

We would like to thank the teachers and students who have visited our campus. We are inspired by their enthusiasm and we hope to see them again at University of Jakarta International soon.

See you in our next update


UNIJI Open House and Workshop on February 2024

Greetings Rhinos!

Hope you're all doing great! Just wanted to share some exciting news from the University of Jakarta. This past Saturday, on February 24th, 2024, we had a fantastic open house and our very first workshop, and it was a blast! Students from Jakarta and nearby areas came over to meet our lecturers and find out more about the University of Jakarta International (UNIJI).

It was awesome to see both students and parents having a good time exploring our campus and seeing what we're all about. And let me tell you about yesterday's workshop—it was a hit! Led by Ms. Siwi Putri, M.Si, from our Beauty and Pharmaceutical Program, the workshop was all about making your own scented soap. How cool is that? Over 20 students jumped right in and had a blast making their very own soap bars using natural ingredients.

During the workshop, Ms. Siwi assisted the students in comprehending how materials would interact with each other and the meticulous process of measuring, mixing, and curing the ingredients until they became usable. Students were also allowed to use extra materials in their soap such as coffee grounds, dried flowers, activated charcoal, and many more. Extra precautions were, of course, taken to ensure the workshop environment was safe and free from hazards.

This workshop was all about giving students a taste of one of our top programs—the Beauty and Pharmaceutical Business Program. It's the first of its kind in Indonesia and it's all about blending pharmacy with business. So, if you've got dreams of starting your own skincare or cosmetics business, this program sets you up for success by giving you hands-on experience in both making products and running a business.

A big thank you to all the students and parents who showed up and made the day awesome. It's great to see everyone so excited about UNIJI and diving into the world of Beauty and Pharmaceutical Business.

Thanks again, and can't wait to see you at UNIJI soon!

Soft Opening of University of Jakarta International (UNIJI) Campus

Soft Opening of University of Jakarta International Campus

On Friday, February 2, 2024, the Soft Opening of the University of Jakarta International (UNIJI) Campus took place at the Jakarta International Tower (JIT) in Slipi, West Jakarta.

The event kicked off with a Mass led by Father Agustinus Suharyadi, SJ, followed by the blessing of various rooms in the 23-story campus building. After this solemn start, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was conducted by the SIJI Group Foundation Board, the Foundation Di, officials from UNIJI and Jakarta International College (JIC), and other distinguished guests.

Following the ribbon-cutting, a symbolic rice cone-cutting ceremony (tumpeng) marked the occasion. As a gesture of appreciation to the Foundation Board, Prof. Dr. Sihol Situngkir, MBA, presented the Batak Ulos (traditional cloth) to Dr. Antonius Agus Susanto and Dr. Wenny Candra Mandagie. Prof. Sihol explained that the ulos symbolize the rich cultural heritage of the Nusantara region and carry prayers and blessings for the families of Dr. Agus and Dr. Wenny.

UNIJI Campus Soft Opening - Ulos

Dr. Agus shared insights into the challenging journey of transforming JIC Tower into the modern campus it is today, emphasizing his wife Dr. Wenny's inspiration and their shared commitment to excellence. Dr. Wenny, in her speech, expressed gratitude for her husband's unwavering support, underscoring their shared vision for providing a top-quality educational environment for Indonesia's youth.

In his inaugural address, Prof. Dr. Sihol Situngkir, MBA, outlined a strategic vision for UNIJI and JIC, focusing on collaborative approaches to achieving their long-term goals. Drawing on his expertise in strategic planning, Prof. Sihol emphasized the importance of nurturing excellent human resources to drive success until 2049

With his experience as the former Rector of Unika Santo Thomas Medan, Prof. Sihol provided clear direction on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for effective university governance, aligning with national directives on curriculum, faculty, and graduate quality.

The Soft Opening marked the beginning of an exciting chapter for UNIJI, which is set to welcome its first intake at the JIT building in September 2024.


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Greetings, Rhinos!

On Thursday, January 25th, 2024, our UNIJI team had the pleasure of visiting one of Indonesia's most esteemed universities, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Our purpose for this visit was to consult and develop programs for our Beauty and Pharmaceutical Business program. Accompanying us on this insightful journey was Apt. Dra. Hermini Tetrasari, M.Si, Head of the Food and Water Chemistry Division at The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (BPOM).

During our visit, we met with the ITB School of Pharmacy team, including the Dean, Prof. I Ketut Adnyana, M.Si, PhD, Prof. Dr. Apt. Daryono Hadi Tjahjono, M.Sc.Eng, Dr. Apt. Amirah Adlia, M.Si, and the head of academic affairs, Apt. Inshe Melori, M.Farm. Together, we discussed strategies for enhancing our beauty and pharmaceutical business program and ensuring it meets the needs of our future students. We also sought advice on building a pharmacy lab that meets international standards.

Exploring the laboratory facilities at ITB provided us with valuable insights and inspiration for developing and managing our own pharmacy lab at UNIJI. In addition to this, at UNIJI, we aim to combine business management principles with pharmacy, focusing particularly on cosmetic and herbal medicine. Our program is designed to provide students with real-world experience and a step-by-step process for managing a beauty and pharmacy business, thereby opening up opportunities for them to start their own ventures.

This visit underscores our commitment to providing high-quality education and facilities that meet the needs of our students, ensuring they have the best learning experience possible. For those interested in the beauty business, our Beauty and Pharmaceutical Business program at UNIJI offers the perfect opportunity to gain practical skills and knowledge in this field.

Thank you, and we look forward to welcoming you to UNIJI!

Best regards,


UNIJI's Open House with Teaching Faculty, Campus Tour and Scholarship Test!

Hello Rhinos!

On December 9th, 2023, the University of Jakarta International (UNIJI) successfully hosted its inaugural Open House on our Urban Campus located in Slipi, Jakarta Barat. The event featured an offline scholarship test where aspiring students could secure up to a 100% scholarship from UNIJI. Post the open house, attendees had the opportunity to explore the UNIJI campus through guided tours.

Our esteemed teaching faculty members also actively participated in the event, providing valuable information to students and parents about the diverse programs offered at UNIJI. Parents received comprehensive briefings and consultations with faculty members to ensure they clearly understood the intended programs, along with guidance on preparation.

In an exclusive interview with one of our teaching faculty members, insights were shared about the uniqueness of UNIJI programs. We were graced with the presence of Ms Siwi Putri Andini, lecturer from our pioneer program - Beauty and Pharmaceutical Business and Mr Lawrence from the Information Technology, they received queries from parents and students as the program offered at UNIJI stands out as being different from others as we focus on the practicality and empowering our students to be entrepreneur.

Another noteworthy event was our second online scholarship test held on December 10th, 2023. Students from various cities, both inside and outside Jabodetabek Area, actively participated. Some of the students who participated came from cities such as Medan, Padang, Manado, Cirebon, and many more.

We extend our gratitude to all participants, parents, and students alike, for making these events a success. We hope that these initiatives have provided valuable information and insights into UNIJI’s exceptional programs.

Special thanks to our dedicated staff who played a crucial role in bringing these events to fruition. Thank you, and we eagerly anticipate your presence at our upcoming events!

Until then, we wished everyone a good year end break.

The Rhinos Team




Jakarta International Tower 
Jl. Letjen S Parman 1AA
Slipi, Jakarta Barat 11480 
+62 811 1916 7363


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