UNIJI Campus Visit with SMAN Ragunan

Greetings Rhinos,

We're excited to share some wonderful news with you.

On Monday, February 26th, 2024, we had the honour of receiving the visit of students and teachers from SMAN Ragunan, South Jakarta, here at the University of Jakarta International. These students are all talented athletes competing at various levels, from provincial to international.

We were delighted to host over 30 students, accompanied by two teachers, Ms. Ninik Haryati, S.Pd., and Ms. Siti Afiyatus Salamah, S.Pd., at our campus. The event commenced with an opening speech by our esteemed Foundation Director, Prof. Sihol Situngkir, followed by a brief introduction to our scholarship program by our marketing team.

Following the initial session, students were introduced to our programs by the respective lecturers. Throughout these presentations, students engaged with lecturers and gained concise information about each faculty, school, and specialization. Additionally, a lively experiment was conducted with the assistance of two students during the introduction to the School of Psychology. Mr. Chandra Susanto, our lecturer, led a brief experiment on mindset and psychology.

During the introduction to our Faculty of IT, led by Mr. Andhika, students gained insights into the pervasive role of technology in various aspects of life, including sports. Ms. Wenny Susanto, our founder, led the introduction to the Faculty of Business, providing students with insights into each specialization and its future prospects.

After the introduction session, SMAN Ragunan students were given the opportunity to explore our brand new campus.

For your information, University of Jakarta International currently provides up to 100% scholarships for students all over Indonesia. If you are interested in being a part of UNIJI Scholarship Receivers, you could also ask for a school recommendation letter from your school principal as UNIJI currently gives a quota of 15 students per school to receive scholarship. Or you could simply click here to get in contact with our counsellors.

We would like to thank the teachers and students who have visited our campus. We are inspired by their enthusiasm and we hope to see them again at University of Jakarta International soon.

See you in our next update


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